Cs. armady 14, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic


On 15th and 16th of January, the Head of ESC Aerospace Company, Richard Sysala, attended an important meeting of the business delegation in Rome, where he met with high-ranking officials and partners from different aerospace companies. Also present at this meeting was the Minister of Transport M. Kupka, who focuses on infrastructure development and the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives in the transport sector. The programme of the meeting at Rome included a visit to ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) which is a key player in the construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure in Italy. The Minister’s visit also included a tour to Thales Alenia Space at Via Sacommuro.


                                                                      From the left: R. Pavlica, T. Moravec, R. Sysala

Dear colleagues, partners, customers and our friends,

we would like to wish you a happy and prosperous year 2025. May it be all that you hope it will be!

Making things fly!

Sincerely, the esc Aerospace team

Space Tech Expo Europe is the premier gathering for space professionals across the continent. Annually, the global space industry congregates in Bremen, Germany, for face-to-face interactions and networking opportunities. Space Tech Expo is the largest exhibition with a specific focus in Europe, with more than 700 exhibiting companies and 150 speakers. The event took place from the 19th to the 21st of November 2024.

An active participant of the exhibiton was Ing. Richard Sysala, member of the Board at ESC AEROSPACE, who attended the event. Mr. Sysala represented the ESC AEROSPACE company and exhibited the latest products.


From 4th to 6th November 2024, Czech Space Week – the biggest festival of space activities in the Czech Republic, took place. The Czech Space Week presents inovations in the field of space research, organises professional conferences, debates and programmes for students. The two-day conference was officially opened by the President of the Republic, Mr. Petr Pavel.

Ing. Richard Sysala, Member of the Board at ESC AEROSPACE featured as a speaker in programme on Wednesday, 6th of November, in panel Space2Defence. Mr. Sysala participated in discussions about cooperation between the space industry and other sectors, especially how can businesses effectively transfer innovations from space to defence applications. The entire panel discussed what the barriers and opportunities are in both sectors and much more.

ESC AEROSPACE is a member of the Czech Space Alliance, one of the companies that have supported the festival. The Czech Space Week is an event in which ESC AEROSPACE is a regular participant, and again this year provided an information stand and displayed exhibits.

Discussion panel

Stand #1

Stand #2


Czech Space Week is the largest festival of space activities in the Czech Republic. Richard Sysala will also be one of the speakers, see you there?

ESC AEROSPACE has represented the space industry achievements in the Czech Republic on the JAPAN AEROSPACE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION in Tokyo. Thanks for a support to our agencies and ministries and welcome to our new colleagues and friends from Japanese space industry! 🚀

This autumn, ESC AEROSPACE celebrates 25 years of making things fly. We have marked a historical milestone with a new edition of ESC AEROSPACE company T-Shirts. Do you want to grab one? Get in touch with us at hr@evolvsys.cz and join our team!

Come and see us at our booth, we´ll be happy to see you and talk to you! 🙂


In May 2024 we had the great opportunity to be part of a Business mission to the United Arab Emirates which was organized by the Ministry of Transport and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi. We spent five busy days encouraging cooperation in the area of space industry. We visited the United Arab Emirates Space Agency, Khalifa University, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Yahsat and a number of other space companies. A bilateral business forum, which included representatives from the local space agency and the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, was an essential component of the program.
